Long ago the prophets of Israel foretold that in these terrible days men would call evil good, and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). Men and women act as though God does not exist. They push beyond the age-old boundaries of the human conscience, heedless of the consequences. God is not indifferent to what is happening on the earth. The sin of mankind is pushing the earth to the brink of destruction — the judgment which God has already announced by His prophets, as recorded in the Bible.
It will be like the days long ago when God warned Noah that a flood was coming on the earth. Noah was told one hundred years before it happened. Noah obeyed the voice he heard in his conscience because he knew it to be true. The earth was full of evil, murder, and violence, and it deserved to be destroyed. Men’s thoughts were wicked continually (Genesis 6:5). Noah and his family’s great efforts in building the ark saved the lives of eight people from the greatest catastrophe in the history of the human race. Just a remnant survived, a seed of the vast population that had perished, but it was enough to begin again.
The story strikes a resonant chord in the hearts of men, women, and children still, thousands of years and millions of retellings later. For one shining moment the earth was clean and pure and fresh again, like we all know it was always meant to be. It will be that way again . . .